Whatcha Doin'? | Megan
:30 Commercial
Client: Alfa Insurance
Agency: ThreeSixtyEight
Directed by Simon Marthinsen
Production + Post by CounterTake
The entire "Watcha Doin?" campaign for Alfa Insuracne was a blast to work on, and the Megan spot may have been the most fun of them all.
We knew the success of this spot would depend on one element: the strength of our talent, both human and canine. For our human talent, we knew comedic chops and the ability to improvise would be key to making the concept work. We used a wide net when casting, and allowed those auditioning to ad-lib and really show us the unique color they would bring to the role. As for our dog, we suggested using an Afghan Hound, as their distinctive look would sell the punchline the spot was building up to.
The end result is a funny, energetic spot, tied together with excellent performances, custom music, and an unforgettable punchline.
More Work
LCMC HealthGenerations :30
The Alfa Way | Auto:30 Commercial
LA.IODoc Style Brand Film
LCMC Health:30 Keeping You Well
Alfa Insurance| KevinCommercials
LCMC Health:30 Keeping You Well
Alfa Insurance:30 Roadtrip
Mellow MushroomCommercial
Childrens Hospital New Orleans:30 Keeping Kids Well
ESPN:10 Minimercial
Anti Smoking PSA:30 Commercial
Premium ParkingBrand Film
Tobacco Free Living:30 Commercial
CounterTake LLC
Executive Producer
Austin Bell
Phone: 916-833-9689
Email: Austin@countertake.com
New Orleans + Atlanta
1540 St.Roch Ave
New Orleans, LA 70117
Phone: 504 383 4261
© CounterTake LLC 2024