The Alfa Way | Auto

    :30 Commercial

Client: Alfa Insurance
Agency: ThreeSixtyEight

Production + Post: CounterTake
Director: Simon Marthinsen
VFX / Post-Supervisor: Nick Vitter

The client decided to go in a different direction this year. We were asked to bid as a courtesy since we directed the last two campaigns. The script called for a b-roll spot with voiceover.

During the first creative call, I saw the direction that these spots needed. In our treatment, we pitched them a conveyor-style spot that focused on the essence of the voiceover but simplified the visuals into simple scenes.

We proposed that each scene should represent one aspect of the insurance claims process, and the camera would move in time through each part of the journey from damage to repair, giving the viewer a look at why Alfa Insurance has the highest claims satisfaction in the Southeast Region as rated by J.D. Power and Associates.

More Work

LCMC HealthGenerations :30

LA.IODoc Style Brand Film

Alfa | MeganCommercials

LCMC Health:30 Keeping You Well

LCMC Health:30 Keeping You Well

Alfa Insurance:30 Roadtrip

Mellow MushroomCommercial

Childrens Hospital New Orleans:30 Keeping Kids Well

ESPN:10 Minimercial


Anti Smoking PSA:30 Commercial

Premium ParkingBrand Film


Tobacco Free Living:30 Commercial


CounterTake LLC

Executive Producer
Austin Bell 
Phone: 916-833-9689

New Orleans + Atlanta


1540 St.Roch Ave

New Orleans, LA 70117
Phone: 504 383 4261

© CounterTake LLC 2024